Creation Care

Creation Care


You will see below pictures from the following events that were sponsored or participated actively by Interfaith Creation Care South Metro and the origination organization POP Creation Care Group.

*  From a Ripple To a Wave: Psychology of Climate Action at Risen Savior Catholic Church, Burnsville, 5/7/2024
*  Fifth Annual EV EXPO at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church Bloomington, 9/23/2023
*  Summer Picnic Family Social, 7/17/2023
*  ECO Fair at Prince of Peace, 3/11/2023
*  Electric Vehicle Expo at Shepherd of the Lake, 5/7/2022
*  Creation Care Worship at Prince of Peace, 2/5,6/2022
*  In-person event called What You Can Do About Climate Change, 10/25/2021
*  In-person meeting & potluck at Environmental Learning Center in Savage, 7/19/2021
*  Climate Reality/En-Roads Discussion on Zoom January 25th, 2/1/2021
*  Relay for Our Water 9/16,17/2020
*  Zoom meeting of portion of team discussing Newsletter program, 6/ 3/2020
*  PARIS TO PITTSBURGH Film Screening, 9/11 thru 10/29/2019
*  Global Strike for Climate, MN State Capital, 9/20/2019
*  Climate Change in Our Own Backyard with Mark Seeley, 5/19/2019
*  Celebrating God's Creation Through Songs and Stories, 10/28/2018
*  Sacred Encounter with the Earth 6/24, 7/22, 8/26, 9/23/2018
*  The Fight to SAVE WINTER, 4/11/2018
*  Healthy Planet Healthy People, 11/12/2017
*  Meeting of the minds 7/2017
*  We Can Do This: A Clean Energy Future!, 4/22/2017
*  We Can Do This: Climate & the Economics of a Renewable Future, 11/12/2016
*  Climate Care: Taking Next Steps, 1/31/2016
*  Planning meeting for Climate Care: Taking Next Steps, 11/2015
*  Second meeting of ICCSM at Presbyterian Church of Apostles, 9/2015
*  Prince of Peace (POP) Creation Care decides to expand with first meeting of ICCSM 6/2015
*  Care For God's Creation for the Next Generation (POP), 6/20,21/2015
*  Solar Energy and Earth Day Recognition (POP), 4/12,19/2015
*  Woman's Retreat (POP), 10/24-26/2014
*  Environment Solutions Event (POP), 9/14/2014
*  POP Creation Care is new name after Justice for Creation inactive since 2008, 10/2013
*  Creation Sings (POP) 5/25/2008
*  Creation Fair #2 (POP) 5/18/2008
*  One of Many Sunday displays at POP 1/2008
*  Bagged Groceries with Cub Donated Reusable Bags (POP), 10/2007
*  Alternative to Disposable Gift Wrap Program began (POP) 11/19/2006
*  Creation Fair (POP) 10/7,8/2006
*  Earth Day Recognition Tree Distribution (POP) 4/2006
*  Will Steger's Presentation (POP) 3/26/2006
*  Grant Money provided the boost to group (POP) 1/2006

Interfaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) was thrilled with the great turnout at the FROM A RIPPLE TO A WAVE: PSYCHOLOGY OF CLIMATE ACTION event at Risen Savior Catholic Church Burnsville on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024.  Those who attended were very involved in a strong discussion of the psychology of climate action lead by Dr. Christie Manning, a PHD recipient who teaches in the Environmental Studies Department at Macalester College.   We learned about the benefits gained from acting collectively.  Her presentation included two of her students giving their story of how climate change has inspired them to take action.  The two students were Solveigh Barney and Inbal Armony.  If you want to review what they said you can visit the "STORIES" page of this website for a full print out of their comments.  Risen Savior's Green Team and ICCSM worked closely to make this event the success that it was.


A bigger than ever EV EXPO was held at Oak Grove Presbyterian Church located at 2200 W. Old Shakopee Rd., Bloomington, MN, Saturday September 23rd, 2023.  Interfaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) was there to help make it the success that it was.  The American Lung Association was there to facilitate test-drives of EVs, including the Tesla Model Y, Subaru Solterra, Nissan Ariya, BMW i6, Kias and other EVs.  Twenty two EV owners displayed their EVs while answering the many questions that visitors had about their actual experience in driving them.  Eastern Carver County School District (Chaska) displayed their electric school bus. Six non-profits and two government agencies tabled at the event including MN 350, Minnesota Intefaith Power and Light, ICCSM, Bush Lake Izaak Walton Chapter, City of Bloomington, MN DOT, EZ EV Go, and Oak Grove Presbyterian Green Committee.  The event continues to grow each year as the demand for EV knowledge and its' benefits to our pocket book and our environment grow.  People are becoming more aware that driving EVs is an action that will have personally significant difference in protecting God's creation, the air we breathe and our way of life.  Check out some of the pictures from the event below.


Interfaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) enjoyed a marvelous evening at Sunset Pond Park in Burnsville on Monday July 17, 2023.  Rather than a normal meeting we chose to have a picnic social including members and family.  It was a potluck that brought out some marvelous recipes that will be remembered for a long time.  We had a chance to meet some of our newest members but mostly to recognize and enjoy our families.  Thanks to Chris Erickson for arranging the event and site.  We had a lot of fun.


Interfaith Creation Care of the South Metro (ICCSM) 

worked with Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Burnsville, despite a bad weather day, and put on a great ECO Fair.  The Fair occurred on Saturday, March 11th, 2023 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm.  Those who came learned about the many things you can do to be an effective steward of God's creation.  The Fair featured experts on home energy rebates, tips on using less energy, guidance on how to save money, how federal programs can help in this effort, benefits of electric vehicles, recycling, reusing and more.  The Keynote Speaker was Dr. Jessica Hellmann who is Director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota and University Director of the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.  She shared her thoughts on The Power of Individual and Collective Climate Action

Some of the faith communities we represent displayed posters showing the actions they have taken to be effective stewards of God's creation.

The following exhibitors were in attendance.  Dakota Electric Association, MN Renewable Energy Society (MRES), Citizens Utility Board of MN (CUB), MN Technical Assistance Program (MN TAP), Center for Energy and Development, MN Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL), Dakota County Recycling Ambassadors, MN Clean Cities Coalition, Electric School Bus, Solar Suit Case, Lakeville Friends of the Environment, Interfaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM), Boy Scout Troop 471 and MN Department Natural Resources.

Again we wish to thank all our exhibitors for participating.  Below you will see some of the pictures of the event.  Another source of pictures is our Facebook page near the date of the event which can be found at .



The InterFaith Creation Care EV EXPO at Shepherd of the

Lake Lutheran church, Prior Lake, on Saturday, May 7, 2022 was a MARVELOUS success.  Purely a blue sky day for an EV show.  An estimated 200 plus individuals came during the 3 hours to learn the benefits of driving electric from the owners of 19 EVs.  We showed two Chevy Bolts, a VW ID4, a Nissan Leaf, a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, a Ford Mustang Mach E, an Audi E-tron, a Ford Escape PHEV, a BMW I3 and an i4, a Volvo XC40, a Toyota Rav4 Prime PHEV, a Kia Niro PHEV, a Tesla Model S, X, 3 and Y, the Eden Prairie Police Department Model Y squad car, and a Blue Bird EV school bus from Eastern Carver County School District.  Included in the EVs shown were those of the Senior Pastor and the Church council president.  The Minnesota Valley Electric Coop. also was there to show off their Model 3 and answer questions about the incentives they offer for their members to drive electric.  Numerous presentations were given on the benefits of driving Electric.  The volunteers came from all over the Twin Cities.  InterFaith Creation Care South Metro representing 15 faith communities in the south metro and the host church Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church Prior Lake wish to thank everyone who participated including those who came to learn another way to protect God’ creation.  Unfortunately our group picture at the end did not include a number of our group who participated.  Timing was not the best.


InterFaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) while supporting the Prince of Peace (POP) Creation Care Group complemented the Care for Creation worship services at POP on Saturday night (Feb. 5th, 2022) and the two services on Sunday morning (Feb. 6th, 2022).  The services included music, prayers, videos and a very inspiring sermon by Sr. Pastor Jeff Marian on Care for Creation.  Chris Erickson the leader of this group had a special video part in the sermon.  You can view the on-line service at this Facebook link .  The whole service is worth watching for the strong message it gives on taking care of God's special gift but the sermon really makes a strong statement.  The sermon begins with a short video at 28:27 with Chris starting at 36:20.  Another alternative is this Youtube link that just covers the sermon and runs 14 minutes.  Chris will start his comments at 6:50 .  Pictures of the table display in the community room between services, some of the conversations that were had, and the volunteers who participated at both the Saturday and Sunday services are found below. 

From the beginning God has called us to care for this planet we call home.  It's increasingly clear that we have not done the best job in responding to that call.  When we care for Creation we honor the Creator.


A step was made to return to some normalcy during the Covid 19 pandemic by InterFaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) sponsoring the first in-person event in two years called WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE. CDC Covid guidelines for indoor gatherings were followed with this event held at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Burnsville in their newly constructed Chapel on Monday, October 25th, 2021.  We were quite pleased with the turnout.  Bill Middlecamp repeated his presentation previously given on Zoom under the title of Climate Reality/ En-Roads Discussion earlier in the year.  As one of 20,000 trained Climate Reality leaders from more than 150 countries and a trained En-ROADS facilitator, having him back for this in-person event made all the sense.  The larger audience in person made for a more spontaneous presentation to address the elevated concerns caused by the recent severe global and local weather events we have experienced.  If you were not able to attend the event you can check out the video of it at . An added feature to the event was Chris Erickson singing his newest song What We Can Do.  A music video of it can be found at .  Check out some of the pictures from the event below.


InterFaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) had it's first in person meeting since the pandemic.  We celebrated this first meeting in person in over 15 months with a potluck arranged and coordinated by Paula Thomson.  The event was held at McColl Pond Environmental Learning Center in Savage Monday, July 19th, 2021.  We had an assortment of sandwiches, salads, beans, fruit and deserts.  The food was great but just getting together in person was the magic that made the event.  We discussed a variety of subjects including future events.  The event culminated with a vehicle show in the parking lot. 

InterFaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) was very excited to present a CLIMATE REALITY/En-ROADS discussion of reimagining the future for God’s Creation.  The ZOOM presentation was given Monday, January 25th, 2021 at 7pm followed up by an overflow event given on February 1st.   The event included a Climate Reality presentation showing the environmental destruction impacts we are experiencing today, how we got to this point, and what the future may hold.  Following that, participants used En-ROADS to imagine together what our future could be.  En-ROADS is a “choose your ending” simulation that uses some of the best available science to compute and present the results of choices in energy, food production, land-use and consumer behavior that society can make today. Bill Middlecamp was our presenter and is one of over 20,000 trained Climate Reality Leaders from more than 150 countries and is a trained En-ROADS facilitator.  Bill has a BS degree in Meteorology, an MS degree in Computer Science, and is a commissioned United Methodist Earthkeeper.  For over a decade, Bill has participated in organizing and delivering presentations on environmental issues related to health, economics, science and solutions to the harmful changes we are seeing.  The event was a big success.  Check out some of our pictures of the event below.


Interfaith Creation Care South Metro in collaboration with Lakeville Friends of the Environment joined the "Relay for Our Water" which was sponsored by Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL).  Our portion of the event occurred September 16th and 17th, 2020.  Water from Itasca State Park has been transported by foot, bicycle, canoe and Electric Vehicle around the state by different groups.  This "Water Walk" is a Native-American tradition to celebrate the importance of water in our lives.  It also draws attention to the Treaties we have with our native neighbors and draws attention to the Enbridge Oil Pipe Line #3.  Our group had a "Sacred Encounter" ceremony at South Creek in Lakeville in which we celebrated water and blessed the water on its way back to Itasca.  Chris Erickson led a ceremony to honor water.  Songs were sung, scripture was read and heartfelt stories about what water means to our lives were told.  As we passed the water on we felt a connection and ownership or responsibility to protect our water.  Water is Life.  We received the water on the 16th and transferred to the next group on the 17th. It will be returned to Itasca in October at the end of the wild rice harvest.


The Covid 19 pandemic restricted a lot of activities including our regular meetings.  As soon as the restrictions were put into place the InterFaith Creation Care South Metro began implementing online meetings using the web-based video conferencing tool called Zoom.  It allows us to join in our meetings while in the comfort of our homes while we continue our social distancing required by the pandemic.  This particular meeting we discussed our activities around our Church Newsletter Program.

The screening of the National Geographic film  Paris to Pittsburgh was a big draw to many south metro faith communities.  InterFaith Creation Care South Metro (ICCSM) (now a coalition of Creation Care stewards from 14 churches) sponsored the screenings at five south metro churches from September 11 through October 29th , 2019.  The film highlighted the impassioned efforts of Americans who are demanding and developing real solutions in the face of climate change.  The federal government has stepped back from supporting the Paris Accords but that is not stopping the American people in all walks of life, as shown in the film, to step forward and offset for this action.  As the weather grows more deadly and destructive, cities and citizens are taking action.  Following the screening there were some great discussions addressing many concerns.  Those churches providing screenings were Risen Savior Catholic in Burnsville, St. John’s Lutheran in Lakeville, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran in Prior Lake, The Well United Methodist in Rosemount, and St. Thomas Becket Catholic in Eagan.  Light refreshments were provided. These are some of the pictures from this event.




The world stepped forward, led by the children, and InterFaith Creation Care South Metro was there to support the Global Strike for Climate on Friday, September 20, 2019.  The St. Paul strike was only one of many around the world during the week of September 20th through the 27.  A record 7.6 million people took to the streets.  It was the biggest climate mobilization in history.  From Jakarta to New York, Karachi to Amman, Berlin to Kampala, Istanbul to Quebec, Guadalajara to Asuncion, in big cities and small villages, millions pf people joined hands and raised their voices in defense of the climate.  The people made a statement and we were there.



Dr. Mark Seeley, U of M Professor, climatologist and meteorologist
held an audience of nearly 200 transfixed as he described his observations of the changes in the climate here in Minnesota and the Midwest region.  The event was May 19, 2019 at St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church, Eagan.  Seeley's career for the previous 40 years has been measuring the climate, designing and building instruments and collecting data that show the direction and the degree to which the environment is changing.  His presentation was sobering and he meant it to be.  Several local environmental organizations displayed information in the hallway and answered questions about steps we can take to preserve the life-sustaining qualities of our environment.  A display of electric vehicles was located in the parking lot with their owners as an example of one of those steps.  Light refreshments were provided.  ICCSM, the sponsor of this event, is committed to be good stewards of God's creation.  We accept that 98% of scientists agree that humans are changing the creation in harmful ways, that we have the ability to mitigate this change and should take appropriate action now and that inaction causes suffering for the poor today and threatens the future for us all.








A fun, family-friendly afternoon of music, storytelling and crafts was enjoyed by individuals of all ages Sunday, October 28th at Presbyterian Church of the Apostles in Burnsville.  As a faith inspired event we celebrated God's gift to us our beautiful planet Earth through music that allowed those in attendance to sing out loud the joy we have in this gift.  Story telling was provided from a number of individuals including special guest Suzanne Trapp who is serving with the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management District.  She talked about the importance of taking care of our fresh water.  Following the entertainment we were inspired by craft projects that utilized items that we reused from home.  This got the attention of the kids in attendance.  We were reminded by their attendance that they are the ones that will inherit the environment that we provide to them and how important it is for all of us to do what we can to preserve it for them.  If you missed the event and want to see the video go here. to view it.

Hearing the sounds and smelling the scents of the forest while communing with fellow Earth care stewards in Caponi Art Park in Eagan really raised our awareness of the beauty of God's creation.  Our event was held the fourth Sunday in June, July and August in the summer of 2018.We got the opportunity to sing and listen to music that celebrated our relationship with the Earth, while surrounded by a beautiful natural setting.  Chris Erickson and Bill Middlecamp structured a very meaningful service in which all were invited to participate.  What was especially rewarding was the personal stories or "God moments" that were shared about each person's experiences with nature.  Many prayers were also shared that spoke about God's creation and how very important it is to protect this special gift, the planet Earth.  The event was appreciated by all.

June 24th

July 22nd

August 26th

This event was held at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, Prior Lake (SOLL).  It was held on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 and was primarily directed towards that church's confirmands and their parents and was limited to the size of their theater of 100.  Interfaith Creation Care (ICC) provided support to that church's Creation Care Group.  The documentary "Saving Snow" was shown and it showed the economic impact of warming winters.  Presentations by Tim Reckmeyer from SOLL and Bill Middlecamp from ICC followed the documentary with a question and answer period.

The crew stopped for a picture at the end of the event.

This event was held at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Burnsville.  The event was on Sunday, November 12, 2017.  It showed the strong concern that our community has for how climate is impacting our health even in Minnesota.  We had testimonials from Bill Middlecamp and Kay Erickson followed by our headline speaker.  That speaker was Dr. Bruce Snyder, Neurologist and Clinical Professor of Neurology at the U of M School of Medicine and a member of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate.  We had good table discussions following the speaker and questions and answers after that.
Our poster for the event.

The IFCC group picture for the event.

We discussed at our July 2017 meeting our future plans for an event in November at Prince of Peace.  Those attending were: left to right standing Bill Ireland from Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran, Apple Valley, Chris Erickson from Prince of Peace Lutheran Burnsville, Curt Carlson Prince of Peace, Harry Bueller from Holy Trinity Lutheran Minneapolis, Dan Rietz from St. Thomas Becket Catholic Eagan, Left to right sitting Kay Erickson Prince of Peace, Sandy Scott Bethlehem Baptist Lakeville, Jill and Bill Middlecamp The Well: A United Methodist Church Rosemount and Apple Valley campuses.

This event happened on Earth Day April 22, 2017 at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church Prior Lake.  We called on Dr. Jay Coggins, teaching professor at the University of Minnesota, to give a slightly updated version of his presentation given at Rosemount in the fall of 2016.  Again it was appreciated by all.





This ICCSM sponsored event was held at Rosemount United Methodist Church on Saturday, November 12, 2016.  Dr. Jay Coggins, professor at the U of M, who researches air & water policy, air polution & public health explained market-based approaches to environmental protection.  We had a great turn out.

Bill Middlecamp and Dr. Jay Coggins
Climate Care: Taking Next Steps occurred Sunday, January 31, 2016 at St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church, Eagan.  All nine faith communities of InterFaith Creation Care South Metro were invited and over 200 church members came to the event.  Paul Douglas was our primary presenter and he spoke on how our climate is changing and what is being done to attack this problem.  Representatives from Youth Be the Spark, a program coordinated by Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light then presented their concerns for the world they are inheriting.  There were, following the presentation, displays in the hallways and breakout sessions that provided Next Steps for all of us follow.   The event was a great success and appreciated by all.

InterFaith Creation Care got together before the event started for a group picture with Paul Douglas, Julia Nerbonne from MNIPL and a special guest.

The Interfaith Creation Care: South Metro/Twin Cities representing now nine churches met regularly to plan our first sponsored event called Climate Care: Taking Next Steps.  The group is really developing cohesion. (Picture taken 11/2015) 

Left to right sitting at the table Marcia Lewis, Presbyterian Church of the Apostles, Burnsville, Bill and Jill Middlecamp, Rosemount United Methodist Church, Kay Erickson, Prince of Peace Church Burnsville, Bill Ireland, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Apple Valley.  Right to Left standing Rick Flater, Prince of Peace Burnsville, Alice Maung-Mercurio, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Prior Lake, Julia Nerbonne Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (helping us with our planning), Dan Rietz St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church Eagan, Chris Erickson Prince of Peace Burnsville and Adam Fitzpatrick St. Thomas Becket.  Not shown taking picture Curt Carlson Prince of Peace Burnsville.  Additional not shown Maure Creager, Living Joy Lutheran Church Prior Lake, Susan Eckhardt Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Burnsville and Patricia Brokman, St. John Neumann Catholic Church Eagan.
This eventt was sponsored by Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church Prior Lake. The eight member churches of the Interfaith Creation Care South Metro supported the event.  Paul Douglas Minnesota's first AMS-Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, Dr. John Abraham a climate scientist teaching at St. Thomas University and five ministers from a variety of faiths presented their understanding of climate change and the seriousness of reacting appropriately to this challenge.  We had strong attendance from the eight churches totaling 200 plus.


All age groups were represented.

The second meeting of ICCSM was held September 23, 2015 at Presbyterian Church of the Apostles Burnsville.  The actual naming of the group was identified at this meeting.  The group is made up of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Burnsville, St. John Neumann Catholic Church Eagan, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Apple Valley, St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church Eagan, Presbyterian Church of the Apostles Burnsville, Rosemount United Methodist Church, Living Joy Lutheran Church Prior Lake and Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church Prior Lake.

The Prince of Peace (Lutheran Church Burnsville) Creation Care group during meetings in the spring of 2015 made the decision that they can be more productive if we open the doors to a larger group made up of Creation Care stewards from other faith communities in the south metro.  A list of those faith communities was compiled and contact was made with them to see if they have individuals or groups that might have an interest to work together.  Names and contact numbers were gained for some and contact was made.  Invitations were offered to a first meeting which was held at Chris and Kay Erickson's house in June of 2015.  Plans were made for a second meeting.
POP Worship services on June 20th and 21st, 2015 gave recognition to God's creation and the importance of the caring for it.  The theme focused on how we can care for God's creation for the next generation. The services were outdoors and there were games for the kids, live music, a cook out. Pastor Claire Cassell gave the sermon.  Our Creation Care group was introduced and provided assistance in making sure that trash was recycled appropriately.  The cook out included hot dogs, chips, cookies and beverage to several hundred.  We used paper plates, and compostable cups,  At the end of cleanup, we collected all paper plates, napkins, cups, uneaten food and they filled about eight garbage bags.  All of that went to a commercial organic composter.  Only two small bags remained which contained several plastic water bottles and aluminum cans. They went to recycling.  The only thing that went to landfill was one small bag about the size of a bread bag that contained potato chip bags and candy wrappers.  This is how recycling can be done with minimal waste.

Chris and Kay Erickson joined Rick Flater from the Creation Care Group to help coordinate the recycling at the event.

 Mark Slaughter was impressed with the effort.

The POP Creation Care Group sponsored this two day event.  As stewards of God's creation we are responsible for restoring our natural environment and living sustainably.  We embrace clean, renewable energy as a way to reduce our carbon emissions and restore balance in God's creation.  The first of two events highlighting Solar energy and celebrating the annual global recognition of Earth Day was held in the POP community room following services on April 12, 2015.  Home owners Ross and Lisa LaMothe, Energy Services Representative from Dakota Electric Mike Plutowski, Trevor Drake of Clean Energy Resources Team (CERT), Sean Gosiewski, Executive Director for Alliance for Sustainability were presenters with Doug Shoemaker from Minnesota Renewable Energy Society helping to answer questions afterwards. 

Group shot following the event.  L to R Curt Carlson POP Creation Care group (POPCCG), Mike Plutowski Dakota Electric, Kay and Chris Erickson (POPCCG), Ross and Lisa LaMothe home owner presenters, Trevor Drake (CERT), Sean Gosiewski Alliance for Sustainability, Doug Shoemaker Minnesota Renewable Energy Society, Rick Flater (POPCCG) and Don Knudson (POPCCG).

The second event highlighting Solar energy was held April 19, 2015.  This was the film screening of the video Journey of Hope.  Robin Riley's recently finished film documents how the Minneapolis congregation Mayflower United Church of Christ courageously forged the path to become energy sustainable by 2030 using Solar energy and more efficient use of existing energy.  The film brings new insights into how faith organizations can tackle climate change issues and forge a new path for building sustainable communities of hope and promise.

The Women's Retreat on October 24-26, 2014 with leadership from POP Creation Care Group had a theme of "Nurture Nature, Nurture Self".  Four speakers addressed the issues of caring for our planet and caring for ourselves.  Fifty two women attended.

 A few of the participants enjoying what they heard.

The beauty of our environment was captured. 

Our POP Creation Care team with the assistance of the MN Plug-in Owners Circle held an Environment Solutions Event on Sunday, September 14th, 2014 in the parking lot of the church.  The event showcased some of the plug-in electric vehicles that are available to help reduce our family's carbon emissions.

Mark Hanson a Tesla Model S owner and Jill Middlecamp a Nissan Leaf owner are talking with Associate Pastor Sandy Rothschiller early in the AM by our table, tent and refreshments.

Chris Erickson and Curt Carlson are enjoying a break in the event to enjoy the beautiful weather we had.
This Environment Solutions Event was put on by the POP Creation Care Group (POPCCG) with the assistance of the MN Plug-in Owners Circle (MNPOC).  Curt Carlson (far left in white) is a member of both groups and drives a Toyota Prius PHEV.  Chris Erickson (behind left) is with the POP CCG.  Jill and Bill Middlecamp drive a Nissan Leaf (MNPOC).  Ryan Holland and his wife drive the Tesla Roadster (MNPOC).  Ralph Jenson drives a Nissan Leaf (MNPOC).  Sharon Papendick is with POP CCG.  Nigel Linden is with POPCCG.  Mark Hanson drives a Tesla Model S (MNPOC).  Rod Motzko drives a Chevy Volt (MNPOC).  Not pictured here but a major contributor to the event were Kay Erickson, Shawn Jorgenson, Robin Riley and Claire Cassell.

These are some pictures of the POP Creation Care Small Group's successful Earth Day event at the POP community room.

This is a group shot from the Saturday night crew

Chris Erickson had composed a song titled "Save it" which addressed saving our earth for our children and grandchildren.  He sang it while playing his ukulele as church members entered the church while Rick Flater handed out Creation Care information cards.

We regret that the most enduring part of the weekend was not caught on camera.  Two of our members Maure Creager and Kay Erickson gave personal testimonies before the congregation for all services Saturday and Sunday.  They spoke from the heart on why they feel it is important for them to take the actions they took to protect God's creation.  To say the least our group was extremely proud of their efforts.  If we had their picture it would show HERE.
Lynette Kaderlik is shown talking to a number of individuals about our many displays.  It is important to note that she was determined to help out despite having knee surgery only days before.


Robin Riley is presenting Sr. Pastor Jeff Marion with his tree.  We handed out hundreds to church members.
Fall of 2013 POP Justice for Creation is changed to POP Creation Care small group
Justice for Creation is inactive from 2008 to Fall of 2013
"Creation Sings"
Justice for Creation sponsored this event where the POP congregation came together one evening May, 25th, 2008 to recognize and celebrated the changes being made on behalf of God's creation.  Entertainment was provided by musicians and performers including Heather Lyn, Paul Dean, and Aaron Hanson.

Creation Fair #2
May 18, 2008
This Justice for Creation Fair showed the various ways that we all can contribute to improving God's creation.  There were 22 tables at POP displaying the many ways we can change.  The displays included Buying Local, Supporting local Farmers Markets, Using reusable shopping bags, Shopping wisely, Stopping Junk Mail, Using Non-toxic cleaners, Sustainable Landscaping, Reusing old tshirts as diapers, Using Resusable water bottles, Recycle your wast, Save Energy at home, Recycle your household items, Using wind energy, The POP energy team and many more.





One of Many Sunday Displays at POP
January 2008


Bagged Groceries with Cub Donated Bags 
October 2007

Alternative to Disposable Gift Wrap Program Began
November 19, 2006
Interactive displays of alternatives to disposable gift wrap for the holidays were a big hit.  The first of this effort was November 18,19,2006  POP Justice for Creation encouraged using reusable and compostable supplies for their parties.

Creation Fair
October 7,8, 2006
The POP Justice for Creation Creation Fair was a defining event.  Pastor Mike Foss asked everyone at the services to join him in attending the fair.  Held in the community room, it emphasized through experience displays the smell, touch and sounds of God's creation.  We showed how creation was in crisis, the 1st aid for creation and invited people to take a pledge to make changes in their lives.  Visitors were given a pamphlet with a bible verse, contemplation, question and prayer for each day of creation.  Booths were set up reflecting each of these creation themes and our responsibilities for them.








Earth Day Recognition Tree Distribution
April 2006
In recognition of Earth Day on April 23rd, 2006 Justice for Creation distributed donated trees from Dakota Electric Association.  (This become an annual distribution of trees from this source up until the recent years.)

Will Steger's Second Presentation
March 26, 2006
Will Steger, famous Minnesota Arctic explorer, gives his second talk to POP.  The topic this time is how faith had sustained him in his years of exploring.

Grant Money provided the boost to our group
Justice for Creation of POP, in early 2006 received a grant that was made available to churches to reduce landfill waste.  The money was used to purchase 21 recycling and waste containers, display boards and other equipment for our mission.  We purchased industrial reusable bags from TARPS to sell to people to discourage using plastic bags.  We also purchased 400 spray bottles and ingredients to make "Alice's Wonder Spray" a homemade natural cleaning solution.  We also purchased 400 reusable water bottles as well as 600 pencils made of recycled newspapers with the saying "Take good care of God's Creation" all of which were given out at event and Sunday displays.

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