Creation Care

Creation Care


BOOKS _______________________________________________

If a book is in our library there will be a notation following the book's description.  Contact Curt Carlson at if you would like to borrow it.  Identify in the subject line of your email the words "Creation Care book" or call  me at 952-913-1544.

THE GREEN BOAT: Reviving Ourselves in Our Capsized Culture

"Mary Pipher takes on our planet's greatest problems with the skills of a truly gifted therapist.  She knows why we avoid and deny the truth and she knows how we can heal ourselves and our communities even as we try to heal the earth.  This book is a deep and true gift. ---Bill McKibben."  Quoted from Amazon.  Published June 4, 2013 with 237 pages in paper back.

A FIELD GUIDE TO CLIMATE ANXIETY: How to Keep Cool on a Warming Planet

"A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism.  The "climate generation"--late millennials and iGen or Generation Z--is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire climate science predictions.  Those inheriting our planet's environmental problems expect to encounter challenges, but they may not foresee the feelings of powerlessness and despair that often accompany social activism in the face of a seemingly intractable situation.  Drawing on ten years' experience leading and teaching in college environmental studies programs, Sara Jaquette Ray has created an "existential toolkit" for the climate generation."  EBAY.  Copyright 2020 with 216 pages in paper back.

SAVING US:  A Climate Scientists Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. by Katharine Hahoe

"An optimistic view on why collective action is still possible -- and how it can be realized."  -- The New York Times. Copyright September 21, 2021 with 320 pages in hardcover.  Available to be checked out.

ROOTED & RISING: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis by Leah D. Schade and Margaret Bullit Jones.

The following was taken from the Barnes and Noble notes about the book. "Rooted and Rising is for everyone who worries about the climate crisis and seeks spiritual practices and perspectives to renew their capacity for compassionate, purposeful, and joyful action."  
Copyright 2019 with 242 pages in paperback.  

THE UNINHABITABLE EARTH - Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells. 

The following was taken from the Barnes and Noble notes about the book. "An "epoch-defining book" (The Guardian) and "this generation's Silent Spring" (The Washington Post), The Uninhabitable Earth is both a travelogue of the near future and a meditation on how that future will look to those living through it--the ways that warming promises to transform global politics, the meaning of technology and nature in the modern world, the sustainability of capitalism and the trajectory of human progress."
Copyright 2019 with 299 pages in hard cover.  Available to be checked out.

CLIMATE JUSTICE  Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future, by Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and UN Special Envoy on Climate Change.  

"Mary Robinson's mission to bring together the fight against climate change and the global struggle for human rights has taken her all over the world.  It also brought her to a heartening revelation: that an irrepressible driving force in the battle for climate justice could be found at the grassroots level, mainly among women, many of them mothers and grandmothers like herself.  Robinson met with ordinary people whose resilience and ingenuity had already unlocked extraordinary change: from a Mississippi matriarch whose campaign began in her East Biloxi hair salon and culminated in her speaking at the United Nations, to a farmer who transformed the fortunes of her ailing community in rural Uganda." from Barnes and Noble.  Copyright 2018 with 147 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

HONORING CHRIST in CARING for HIS CREATION A second edition to Christ & 
Creation. by Craig Sorley.  "The world today needs to completely rethink its relationship to the environment, and nothing less than a complete transformation of perspective and behavior is required.  For those who adhere to the Christian faith, such a transformation must begin at the foot of the cross.  In honor to our Lord we should be leading the world by example in responding appropriately to a creation that groans."  Craig Sorley.  Copyright 2016 with 170 pages in paper back. 

AN INCONVENIENT SEQUEL TRUTH TO POWER Your action handbook to learn the science, find your voice, and help solve the climate crisis.  by Al Gore.  "A daring call to action that details how the future of human civilization is under threat--and offers concrete advice for making your voice heard in the fight to solve the climate crisis at a moment when the solutions we need are emerging around the world."  Copyright 2017 with 319 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

DRAWDOWN The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed To
Reverse Global Warming.  Edited by Paul Hawken.  Karen O'Brien from cCHANGE said this about this book.  "Drawdown is an adventure.  It is a promising story that has the potential to engage every person on the planet with at least one solution to climate change, whether it is educating girls, improved rice cultivation, creating walkable cities, eating a plant-rich diet, household recycling, or any of the other solutions".  Copyright 2017 with 240 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

CLIMATE OF HOPE: How Cities, Businesses, and Citizens Can Save the Planet by Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope.  Carol Browner, Former EPA Administrator and White House Climate Advisor said this about this book.  "Michael Bloomberg and Carl Pope show that cities demonstrate how a bottom-up approach to climate action is not only possible, but also necessary--and how all of us have a role to play.  Copyright 2017 with 264 pages in hard cover.  Available to be checked out.

CARING FOR CREATION: The Evangelical's Guide to Climate
Change and a Healthy Environment by Mitch Hescox and Paul Douglas.  Stephan Bauman, president, World Relief said this about this book.  "In Caring for Creation, Mitch Hescox and Paul Douglas present compelling evidence, grapple with indispensable theology, and propose crucial solutions regarding one of the most urgent crises of our day.  As people of faith, we can lead a global conversation toward action -- action that will save millions of lives and bear witness to a creative and loving God who cares about all people."  Copyright 2016 with 184 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

GREEN FAITH: Mobilizing God's people to save the earth by Fletcher Harper.
Dr. Guillermo Kerber, Program Executive for Care for Creation and Climate Justice, World Council of Churches, Geneva Switzerland says "Spirituality, stewardship, and justice are key criteria proposed by Harper to green our faith traditions and pulpits - a most urgent task in our times.  This book is valuable both as a introduction and as a source to help us deepen our commitments to faith and the environment."  Copyright 2015 with 178 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

A CLIMATE FOR CHANGE; Global warming facts for faith based
decisions by Katharine Hayhoe and Andrew Farley.  For all the talk about climate change there's still a great deal of debate about what it all means, especially among Christians.  A Climate for Change offers straightforward answers to these questions, without the spin.  This book untangles the complex science and tackles many long-held misconceptions about global warming.  Authored by a climate scientist and a pastor, A Climate For Change boldly explores the role our Christian faith can play in guiding our opinions on this important global issue.  Copyright 2009 with 206 pages found in the local library.

LOVE GOD HEAL EARTH 21 Leading Religious Voices Speak Out on Our Sacred Duty to Protect the Environment by The Rev. Canon Sally G. Bingham.  Lester R. Brown, Founder, Earth Policy Institute, author of Plan B 3.0; Mobilizing to Save Civilization said this about this book.  "This important book reveals the growing power of the religious environmental movement to address the central moral issue of our time: no less than the future of civilization itself."  Copyright 2009 with 227 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

A NEW CLIMATE FOR THEOLOGY God, the World, and Global
Warming  by Sallie McFague.  John B. Cobb Jr., Professor Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology, author of Christian Faith and Religious Diversity said this about this book.  "Sallie McFague has brought the fruits of decades of thinking about God and the world, about individual and community, about humanity and nature, about reality and metaphor, about the sacramental and the prophetic, to bear on the critical issue of climate change.  She calls Christians to new feeling, new acting, and new thinking.  Perhaps as the threat to our world that she describes so well presses more obviously upon us, the church will begin to listen."  Copyright 2008 with 198 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

SERVE GOD, SAVE THE PLANET A Christian Call to Action
 by J. Matthew Sleeth, MD.  Shane Claiborne, activist and author of The Irresistible Revolution said this about this book.  "Creation is groaning.  And Matthew Sleeth has responded Serve God, Save the Planet is not an alarmist call of despair but a hopeful invitation to reimagine the way we live.  Sleeth's words have the urgency of an ER crisis coupled with the deep faith that the church is ready to join God in healing a wounded world."  Copyright 2007 with 255 pages in paper back.  Available to be checked out.

DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT:  Why Our Brains Are Wired To Ignore Climate Change by George Marshall.  Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth made these comments about this book.  "Clearly we're not responding to the reality of climate change with the speed the crisis requires.  This book explains some of the reasons that could be -- and how we might work around them in the short time that we have."  Copyright 2014 with 260 pages in hard cover.  Available to be checked out.

WORLD ON THE EDGE: How to Prevent Environmental and
Economic Collapse by Lester R. Brown.  "Lester R. Brown is the president of Earth Policy Institute, a research organization based in Washington, DC.  Brown has been honored with numerous prizes, including a MacArthur Fellowship, the United Nations Environment Prize, Japan's Blue Planet Prize, and twenty-five honorary degrees." as posted in the book. Copyright 2011 with 240 pages in paperback.  Available to be checked out.

WORLD CHANGING: A User's guide for the 21st Century by Alex Steffen and Carissa Bluestone.  "Worldchanging is jam-packed with positive, successful projects and tools from around the world.  The result is almost overwhelmingly inspiring." by The Globe & Mail.  Copyright 2011 with 558 pages in paperback.  Available to be checked out.

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